Global Centres for Climate and Environment as well as for Health and Pandemic Prevention

Mann und Frau betrachten Pflanzen

Global challenges can only be mastered through cooperation. Based on this belief, the DAAD is funding the establishment of eight Global Centres, four each for climate & environment, as well as health & pandemic prevention. 


International scientific collaboration across disciplines is particularly important when it comes to mastering global challenges, such as the climate- or the corona crisis. Education and research must approach this issue in a globally interconnected way and at the same time develop solutions that are promising in the respective local contexts. Against this background, the programme funds the establishment of international centres, situated at higher education institutions in the Global South, where international and German scientists jointly teach, conduct research and promote social transformation in dialogue with business, politics and civil society. The aim is to provide a German contribution to overcoming the crises of our time. For this purpose, the Federal Foreign Office (AA) provides the DAAD with funds from the cultural relations and education policy.

Key Data

What is funded? Four Global Climate Centres and four Health Centres
Location of the Centres:
Health-Centres: Vietnam, Ghana, Cuba/Mexico and Gabun
Climate-Centres: India (Hub in Thailand), Colombia (Hub in Southafrica), Ivory Coast/Kenia and Palestinian Territories (Hub in Jordan)
Start of the funding period: 1 May 2021
Funding period: 1st phase: 2021-2025 (4.5 years), 2nd phase: 2026-2030 (5 years)
Funding amount: EUR 600,000 per centre per year (EUR 400,000 in 2021)

Programme objectives

The programme's objectives are embedded in results frameworks, which can be viewed here for climate and environment and here for health and pandemic prevention. 

The long-term effects (impacts) of the programme are among others: 

  • Contribution to relevant SDGs and Germany‘s involvement in joint strategies to tackle global challenges
  • Contribution to knowledge generation, transfer and circulation in the two thematic fields
  • Contribution to a closer cooperation between HEIs, research facilities and public and civic stakeholders

To achieve these goals, the centres have access to a wide range of eligible measures, such as the development of master's and doctoral programmes or the awarding of scholarships. Digital and hybrid formats in teaching, research, cooperation and transfer are intended to play a special role where it makes sense, also with regard to climate- and resource-friendly project implementation. 

    funded by:

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